Sunday, December 29, 2019

12 Skills You Need to Advance an Engineering Career Part 1

12 Skills You Need to Advance an Engineering Career Part 1 12 Skills You Need to Advance an Engineering Career Part 1 12 Skills You Need to Advance an Engineering Career Part 1Engineers excel at solving problems, but developing soft skills to enhance careers isnt always a top priority. Scoring an interview means you have the technical chops. After that, its all about marketing yourself, asking the right questions, making good connections, and choosing the paths that lead toward career goals. Without those, youre just another number in a large crowd of engineers.Many recent grads like Jordan Duhe, a design engineer at Noble Plastics in Grand Coteau, LA, picked up key intangibles on the job, with college providing a good educational base. Colleges like Missouri University of Science and Technology organize projects and competitions so students develop skills like negotiation, teamwork and presentation, says Christopher Ramsay, the universitys assistant vice provost for student design.D ont be just another engineer. Here are 12 soft skills you should develop to succeed in your job interviews and career.Even when you are negotiating for a salary, you are selling yourself. Salloum Nicole, Capgemini consultant Practice your communications and presentation skills. Explain concepts crisply and clearly.1) Communicate Communication is perhaps the biggest challenge for engineers, but its also the most important skill to pick up for a successful career. For some its natural, for others it comes via practice and being more social. Youve got to learn it as you go, says Brandon Graham, experiential learning lab supervisor at Rowan Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, who departureed developing his communication skills at the college level. I wanted to be involved in clubs, and the only way to do that was to be more social, Graham says. Engineers may relate to books like Dale Carnegies Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking, which provides a methodical a nd structured way to pick up communication skills.2) Presentation Avoid jargon. Work on simplifying and crisply explaining concepts, says Carlos Beatty, engineer and member of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles corporate leadership development program. When you are in front of management and people and they start to question, how do you deal with that? Beatty says. Its one thing to give a presentation and be questioned, another thing to give a presentation and be challenged. For a management position, the ability to pull your ideas together and sway opinion is key. Brush up on Powerpoint too.Learn a few interviewing basics that will help you nail that dream job3) Sell yourself In the professional world, you are selling all the time, whether its ideas, answers, jobs, or products, says Nicole Salloum, a consultant at Capgemini and professional trainer at ASME. Even when you are negotiating for a salary, you are selling yourself, Salloum says. One of the best ways to sell yourself is to prove y ourself. Volunteer for additional assignments or projects that will add to your skills, advance your career, and allow you to work with some of the companys shining stars and key players.4) Dont be just another engineer If you score an engineering job interview, its assumed you have technical competence. But companies really want differentiators. You could be a rock-star with a high GPA, but your importance boils down to the value you provide to a company. Value needs to be built, and it can start in job interviews, where good questions could impress interviewers, says Noble Plastics Duhe. Engineers with finance and technology skills are also highly sought.5) Negotiate your value Rookies cant go in and demand a salary, but they can negotiate a position that could lead to higher pay in the future. Thats tied to the earlier point of differentiating yourself from others and not being just another face in the crowd. If you negotiate your position, thats different. In three years, you kn ow your position and have a good projection, thats when you put yourself at a point of leverage, Beatty says. The purpose of leverage is so you know you have value. You know what that monetary value is so you can differentiate. Without that, youre just another number.6) Self-confidence Self-confidence is all about showing what youre capable of doing, but building that can be challenging. For Salloum, it meant doing new things. She took on a big challenge when she applied for a job working on the supply chain for a spirits company. They are always afraid to send women - for example to bars - for sales, Salloum says. Owners of bars may be more comfortable talking about this man to man.See Part 2 of 12 Skills You Need to Advance an Engineering Career for more tips such as learning humility, creating your own brand, and the power of networking.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

When Color Blindness Gets in the Way of Your Career Dreams

When Color Blindness Gets in the Way of Your Career Dreams When Color Blindness Gets in the Way of Your Career Dreams At some point, pretty much everyone wanted to grow up to be a police officer, a fighter pilot, a firefighter, or a doctor. Something no kid ever imagines is that a common medical issue could get in the way of those childhood dreams.Eight percent of men and 0.5 percent of women, or about 12 million Americans, are at least partially color blind. Unfortunately, thecondition can impact career choices.I used to be a combat engineer in the U.S. Army, a position that requires normal color vorstellung. Combat engineers regularly handle explosives, and my understanding is that certain types of color blindness can cause fatal accidents. Upon further contemplation, Ive often wondered what other jobs could be affected by something as common as color blindness.The Doctor Is InAs it turns out, a number of professional choices can be negatively impactedby a color blindness diagnos is.Medicine, electricians, pilots, truck drivers, chefs, fashion, and many other occupations where people dont even realize theres a problem, says Dr. Mark Changizi, a neuroscientist and inventor of corrective lenses for color blindness at 2AI Labs. One of the fruchtwein common and most dangerous areas for colorblindness is in medicine. This is something doctors have noticed as far back as John Dalton in 1794, who himself was color blind, and said, he could scarcely distinguish mud from blood on his stockings.This makes the condition a big problem for anyone in the medical profession.Veins are imperceptible, as is cyanosis, erythema, rashes, etc., Changizi says. This is a serious handicap for physicians, nurses, paramedics, and other medical personnel. Color blind medical personnel are actually suffering from something I call health blindness. This refers to a limitation of naked-eye diagnostic skills due to color blindness.One of the most difficult problems of being color blind i s that you may not know that you have the condition.Blindness to ones color blindness is common, says Changizi. After all, theres no label in a color deficients visual field saying the true color may be different than it appears. In light of people often being blind to their color deficiency, the dangers I mentioned for medicine are actually much worse. Not only are color deficients missing key medical signs, but they (and their patients and colleagues) dont even realize they are.Color Blindness on the JobColor blindness doesnt only affect doctors. It can affect any number of workers in myriad ways. Office workers may have trouble reading charts and graphs, web designers might struggle to make a visually friendly site, and professional drivers could struggle to read some traffic lights.Color blindness testing is a factor only for a small number of jobs, including very easy tests for truckers and mora serious tests for pilots, Changizi says. Some countries have, at various times, had color blind tests for physicians in training, but currently there is no testing in the U.S.Dr. Changizis Color Deficiency Correcting GlassesThe good news is that technologies are now in play that can correct color blindness disorders for most people.In 2006, I made a discovery on what our color vision is for, that its actually optimally designed for seeing emotion and health color states on the face, like blushes and blanches and flushes, Changizi says. Its actually optimized for seeing key facets of the blood just under the skin, and thats why color blind people are so bad at seeing health states.Once Changizi had discovered this about color vision, he and his partner, Tim Barber, were able to figure out what needed to be done to correct color deficiencies. This lead to the creation of Color Blind Glasses that amplify the proper signals.Not all colorblindness technologies enhance the signal our color vision is designed to see, and so dont correct color vision correctly, Changizi s ays. But his and Barbers glasses do.While most color blind people have likely learned to adapt to their conditions, that may not be the case for everyone. For those who struggle with color blindness at their jobs, checking out thelatest technologies might make a day at the office (or behind the wheel, or in a cockpit) a bit less stressful.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

How To Quit A Job Gracefully

How To Quit A Job GracefullyHow To Quit A Job GracefullyFinding a new job, leaving an old one and getting acclimated to a new professional culture is a series of big life changes. Im always eager to adjust to the new reality as quickly as I can. But what happens when that reality doesnt seem to be a fit?There are some employees for whom fit is an ongoing struggle, but lets suppose thats not your issue. Instead, lets say you have longevity in previous roles, and you have just accepted a great new job with the intention of throwing down roots there. Only the job or the culture is not what you were expecting, and you find that the position isnt working out for you. I know. This feels deeply alarming. You are a seasoned professional. How did this happen to you? What now? When this happened to me I was relieved to learn that many of my contacts had similar experiences. Its unsettling and stressful. But you can recover from this and so can your resume. So dont think the sky is falling. Thi s is fixable. Decide What You NeedExamine what your gut is telling you. Is this a situation that is just not going to work out for you, or is this actually a toxic environment that is bad for you? How urgently do you need to get yourself out? If you feel like its safe enough, but it just falls short of ideal, then it may be salvageable. If you had a misunderstanding about the position, and its not what you were expecting, talk with your manager about this. Self-awareness and self-advocacy are positive qualities in a new hire, so let your manager in. But as you do this self-analysis make sure that you are comfortable with your manager. Then carefully outline your communication plan for this important discussion. An orchestrated conversation about a difficult topic is more likely to have the results you need than an impromptu conversation. You should also meet with human resources to talk about the issues you are struggling with, especially if there was a misunderstanding about the po sition you accepted. Your HR colleagues may be able to offer stab und sttze and perspective. It also helps in future job interviews, when you discuss a brief stint on a resume, to cite an HR meeting. This shows you were thorough in your efforts to work through your issues with the ill-fitting position. When to Cut Your Losses If, on the other hand, you dont feel comfortable in the culture. If it is a toxic or negative workplace and you dont want to continue there, then plan a graceful resignation. It is still in your best interest to have a conversation about what you have experienced, but in this case it will likely serve you better to go directly to HR rather than one of the agents of the cultural dysfunction. Moving Forward Your resume is a bank of work. If you have a questionable entry, you will probably be asked about it, but dont assume its a deal breaker. Its not. If your resume indicates a track record of good fit in a range of positions, then a recent short stint can be exp lained away. Use these tips to help you put your negative experiences into perspectiveonce you make your way back onto the interview circuit. My experience was painful and stressful. I wont say Im glad it happened. But I wouldnt trade the benefit I earned by living through it. piste in there. These situations really do have a way of working out.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Acing a Job Interview After Age 50

Acing a Job Interview After Age 50Acing a Job Interview After Age 50Youre certainly qualified, but resting on your laurels wont cut it in an interview. Follow these guidelines to land that job at any age.Have you used one of these common complaints?I welches fully qualified, and it makes no sense.They simply dont know how to hire.They told me that I was overqualified.These are the sort of comments job seekers often make to Randy Block, a seasoned career-transition coach and consultant in the San Francisco Bay area.If youre an older job hunter, more than likely you already know that the ultra-competitive job-search process is especially hard on you. Part of the challenge youre facing is a major generation gap between Baby Boomer job hunters and the Gen-X hiring managers of today. As Block leided, Thirty-somethings dont want to hire their parents. Unfortunately, thats how we often come across - as their parents.You can succeed during interviews with younger hiring managers, but youll want to think and act differently. Here are five places to start Show passion for your workAs Block notes, relationships are based on shared values. He believes that shared values make up fruchtwein of what we call chemistry. Chemistry is enhanced when we meet others who share an interest. This extends to your work, profession or industry.If there is little passion or commitment from you for your work, how can you expect others to get excited during the interview? On the other hand, if you consider yourself driven or committed to what you do for a living, youll most likely hit it off with a hiring manager who has the same interest - whatever that parts age. Be upfront about whats in it for them Nowadays, employers want to know what you can bring them. Older job seekers may shy away from bragging opportunities like this. But this is one talking point you need to be prepared to get.Tenure and duties wont cut it. The best way to prepare for an interview is to focus on your personal br and. Prepare a personal brand statement for yourself - a simple sentence that offers three very important selling points about you. First, it should say who you are. Second, it should articulate your greatest strength(s). Third, it should explain the biggest benefit that you bring to your next employer.The purpose of your brand is to go beyond mere duties and job listings and get to the whats in it for them benefit that will make the employer sit up and take notice. Offer guidance Block has found an important disparity between older job seekers and younger hiring managers Boomers want to be led, while Gen Xers want to manage. Yet in coaching sessions with young managers, he observed that their leadership skills typically lag behind their management skills.If youre a Boomer, take note and realize that you might not get the visionary leader you hoped for in your next hiring manager. However, Block says that this might just be an opportunity.He has discovered that most young managers need help and guidance. They actually appreciate being mentored, coached or advised. They recognize the need, but look at it as a temporary or project-based opportunity.This may open up an opportunity to sell yourself as a consultant whose many years of expertise can be useful in the role of a temporary coach or mentor. This may be a great meld between the management versus leadership dichotomy and increase your opportunities, especially considering companies are hiring more consultants during this economic downturn. As the economy improves, that 1099 contract could well turn into a salaried position. Think short-term According to Block and other employment analysts, many companies today view their short-term survival needs as paramount. Theyre looking for players who can hit the ground now and help them grunt through the next six to nine months. That will require a change in your marketing approach Phrases like long-term and strategic wont have the sales impact of a year ago.Rathe r than emphasize the long haul in your resume and interview marketing, look instead at selling yourself as an expert who can get in and fix immediate problems quickly and efficiently. Downplay any talk about long-range solutions instead, focus on clear, results-oriented achievements for short-range problems.Talk moneyMoney talks, and it talks loudly. Money can also trump age, so try to get as close to the money as you can when you describe who you are and what you bring to the table.Keep in mind that all organizations have only two basic needs revenue and productivity. This is what keeps any top manager up at night. If you can help them, they will seek your advice and counsel. Therefore, come to the interview armed with specific examples of how you can solve their money (or productivity) problem. Your past achievements are examples of how to tackle the similar problems they face today. If you can show yourself to be the problem-solver they need, youll quickly rise to the short list of candidates. Your goal is to become the go-to person for their short-term revenue or productivity problems.SummaryGen Xer s need your help. Focus on ways you can help their short- term survivability through this recession, and get as close as you can to their revenue or productivity concerns. Talk money, and focus on how you can help them produce immediate results. A younger manager would have to be very shortsighted not to explore a working relationship with someone more experienced. Capitalize on your wealth of experience to make a positive difference in the lives and careers of Gen Xer s.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Things You Wont Like About Free Google Docs Resume Templates and Things You Will

Things You Wont Like About Free Google Docs Resume Templates and Things You Will The Pain of Free Google Docs Resume Templates Its quick and simple to find and use vorlages. Templates will be able to help you structure your letter and resume so they are well organized. Google Docs letter templates supply you with a coordinated look to coincide with the kind of your resume. The totally free document templates youll be able to see in Google Docs are really beneficial. Also, though you should always create a distinctive and customized resume for each organization you apply to, should you plan to send the exact same one to do different businesses, ensure you still create two distinct docs. A specialist invoice is crucial to your organizations credibility, not simply so your clients pay you promptly, but also so they call you again for future company. There are a lot of various websites on the web that provide invoice templates. There are a lot of organizations and sites that offer blank invoice templates for use. Resume templates exist to create your life simpler. Read More, here are several resume templates that it is easy to adjust to fulfill your requirements. Templates may be used for making CV, resume so as to apply for jobs. Alongside its basic look, the template provides you the sections you should include with subtle prompts to provide help. Rumors, Lies and Free Google Docs Resume Templates There are a lot of free resources which can be found on the internet where it is possible to pick from a wide assortment of templates designed especially for your business enterprise niche. Should you need some suggestions on how to craft the ideal healthcare resume for your specific field, take a look at our samples and the accompanying writing guides. You are going to be able to familiarize readers with tabular data or merely simple statistics in an engaging way. Once you have decided on your perfect resume template from our selection, follow ou r absolutely free expert guidance about ways to craft the ideal modern resume. The Free Google Docs Resume Templates Chronicles Choose a template you prefer. A template also simply makes it possible to conserve time. In any event, producing the template shouldnt be such a tough job. It isnt possible to update a current instance template or change an instance template after its been created. What Free Google Docs Resume Templates Is - and What it Is Not You dont need expensive software to produce a great looking resume and Google Docs is one primary reason why. The most significant thing is the fact that it has all of the essential data on the shape and can be filled out fast and simple. Google provides a resume-builder tool which youre able to utilize to create a professional resume. Its simple to edit, you can ensure it is fit your topic with no stress. Then hunt for TK before saving your document each moment, and you are able to make certain youve replaced all your pla ceholder text. Proofreading is vital in every formal document, particularly for a cover letter. Just make certain that you use clear and legible fonts to get your document effortless to read and understand. A template provides you with a suggested structure for your documents, and that means you can quickly begin writing. Its possible to finish a resume from scratch, naturally. Developing a poorly-formatted acting resume example sends the incorrect message, Thus, you need to make sure that the beginner actor resume template shows your professionalism. Think as specific as possible, and prevent using mora general forms of skills like communicating. If needed, you are able to keep the skills in individual groups or put all of them under one heading. Your research design are able to take advantage of graphics and layouts which make it noticeable. Others are provided by graphic design sites. There are lots of free resume templates readily available online but sometimes it ca n be very tough to select the best one that is most suited to you. Each one of our creative style templates provide a perfectly balanced mixture of personality, professionalism and a little style. Google doc is a spot where it is possible to store your archive online at no cost. Revision History The Google Docs Revision History feature is beneficial for job seekers because it permits you to find any preceding changes which were made to your Google Docs resume. The 1 downside to internet document systems such as Google Drive is that you must have accessibility to the web to use them. On top of that, the service supplies you with 15GB of room to use at no charge. Things You Should Know About Free Google Docs Resume Templates You will have an optimal resume in no moment, providing you with the best possibility of landing your next job. Professionally, our resumes are often the very first impression a possible employer gets of us. If you need assistance figuring out the best way to do so, take a look at our schreibstube worker resume samples and expert writing tips.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Nuiances of Need Help Writing My Resume

The Nuiances of Need Help Writing My Resume There are a lot of alternatives offered for getting help with your resume to make sure the last draft is likely to receive a second look by employers. Including professional goals can assist you by giving employers a notion of where youre going, and the way you need to arrive there. When you wish to find the best resume help, you are able to simply follow our lead. You need assistance with making a resume. The Benefits of Need Help Writing My Resume Employing a custom resume instead of a generic one is going to greatly increase your probability of an vorstellungsgesprch, as youll be a better match in the view of the reader. A simple resume template is going to be your very best bet. Though a cover letter does show a generalized idea of the way to compose a cover letter it doesnt show you must make 1 look distinctive and fresh to your prospective employer. Your totally free cover letter may be the kiss of death for your resume for many factors. Theres a great chance it wont include all the keywords set out in the work description. You need to understand that the interview is a previous step in the recruiting procedure. Its too simple to kill the work even before getting the interview. Ultimately, you will click submit to submit an application for the job. New Step by Step Roadmap for Need Help Writing My Resume A great deal of individuals are completely lost in regards to writing their own resume, and it is an excellent idea to seek out professional advice on the issue. Because you are so near your situation, it can be tough for you to be aware all of your high points and clearly convey all your accomplishments. Since there are people around who can provide help Youre able to read about the experiences other people shared, and that means you get an impression of the actual results youre likely to get. Its important to employ a service which provides you a great price for top quality. There are bo th local and internet options are available, and generally the investment will be well worth the money. Attempt to know the market of the organization youre asking for work, and identify what type of difficulties they may be going through. Federal jobs often need you to have experience in a particular kind of work for some period of time. Definitions of Need Help Writing My Resume Whenever you dont cover the specific hiring needs that the business has you are showing that you didnt focus on their job advertisement. You must organize your resume to aid agencies evaluate your experience. Analyze job ads You will discover a great deal of useful info on job ads. If you dont yet have work in mind, we can help you locate the ideal government vacancies for your experience.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Do This, Get That Guide On Engineering Resume Objective

The Do This, Get That Guide On Engineering Resume Objective You may be an expert in 1 kind of carpentry, or be in a position to take on all of them. An electrician needs to be in a position to bid on work, estimate the expense of materials and labor, and estimate the time that it will take to finish the job. Utilize our electrical engineering resume example and you may make your own resume in a couple of minutes. With an entire slew of internet job sites out there it has never been simpler to obtain work. When applying for the job advertised, you will fruchtwein likely be wasting your time and will secure a notification that the job was filled by somebody better qualified than you. Show your possible employer why youre able to carry out the job better than others irrespective of how much experience youve got. In that instance, its better to tailor your resume for a mechanical engineering job to coincide with the language of the work offer. Type of Engineering Resume Objective Companies are watching out for candidates who arent only talkers but doers. Working in fashion may be challenging, but its also enjoyable. Resumes Unraveling The Secrets has an amazing bonus to assist with the difficult resume summary section, including a substantial collection of power words that youre able to utilize to impress prospective employers. Your resume objective have to be simple and have to be clear. There are plenty of packages on the market which supply resume maker software, but a lot of them, particularly the completely free versions, are usually not too useful and everyone appears to be utilizing them, so your resume will possible look the exact same anyway. Start writing online or even attempt to determine if you can begin your own company. Running your own company may also be very lucrative. Engineering Resume Objective Secrets Teaching is believed to be among the noble professions on the planet. Career experts say its important to emphasize transferab le abilities, or to put it differently, skills which have been acquired during the college educational experience which are important at work. Jobs in Psychology have an extremely very good future. So as to work as a Substance Abuse Counselor, you can begin by getting training at work. Be Prepared A thriving interview is determined by good preparation. Writing a resume has never been simpler Identify your finest skills by checking out jobs you want to apply for. Since resumes are essentially written to impress upon the hiring manager that youre a fantastic contender for employment, they are important. The Fight Against Engineering Resume Objective Make certain that your resume objective is pertinent to the role that youre seeking. Your objective ought to be precise and concise. To learn to compose a resume objective isnt at all that difficult. The resume objective is a brief gutachten of what you need to offer to a provider. As soon as it is tempting to just list out your strengths, you also need to function to make sure your communication skills are highlighted. Soft skills are the vital people skills required that you work well. Utilize your objective to demonstrate why youre still qualified, dependent on your abilities or education. You are able to create separate section entitled technical skills where you might incorporate the exposure to different tools and computer programs. Unlike a number of other professions, you dont necessarily need to get a degree in the specialty to begin. Possessing several desired positions or an overall statement about working in engineering may be negative. By saying precisely what sort of engineering position you want, you demonstrate that you get a particular career goal and youve thought about where you would like to go in the business. The subject of mechanical engineering is an extremely respectable one.

Monday, November 25, 2019

5 fonts that are better for your resume than Times New Roman

5 fonts that are better for your resume than Times New Roman5 fonts that are better for your resume than Times New RomanIf yourresumeis meant to representyou,then you want to look your best, right? Well, apparently using Times New Roman on a resume is the font equivalent of putting on sweatpants for a job interview, according to a2015 Bloomberg Business article. Since we would never let that happen, here are the five best fonts to use on yourresume instead of that boring, serif-filled default.1. Arial The Safe ChoiceIf Times New Roman is like wearing sweatpants to a job interview, then Arial is like wearing your trusted little black dress. This tried-and-true classic is a standard for resume fonts. Its clean, neutral and easy to read, making it a safe bet for any industry. Since an employer will often only look at your resume for a matter of seconds, you want a font that is aesthetically pleasing and grabs the employers attention at a quick glance, Wendi Weiner, a certified professio nal resume writer and founder ofThe Writing Guru,told Business News Daily.If you rather be safe than sorry, stick to Arial.2. Helvetica The Trusted ClassicHelvetica has the simplicity of Arial but with a more classic appeal. Its a no-fuss typeface that has a timeless feel to it, Brian Hoff, a creative designer at Brian Hoff Design,told the Huffington Post. Samantha Howie, a senior human resources recruiter at New York-based Maximum Management Corp, added that Helvetica is a popular pick at the recruiting firm where she works. Go with Helvetica for a timeless font on your resume.3. Gill Sans and Gill Sans Light The Clean and ClassyThe Gill Sans family is a great way to be professional but not basic. These fonts give yourresume a modern and clean look, Polly Buckland, the managing director of the Typeface Group,told CNBC. Although, she warns users to be careful when displaying it in bold because it can look a little chunky. Proceed with the Gill Sans fonts - just do so with caution.4 . Calibri The Perfect DefaultCalibri is the font that really does it all. Its interesting, yet professional. Its modern, yet leise classic. So much so that Calibri replaced Times New Roman as the default typeface in Microsoft Word and replaced Arial as the default typeface in both PowerPoint and Excel. While Howietold the Huffington Postthat the font is clear, readable, straightforward but not lacking in personality, a2015 article from the Washington Poststated otherwise. The article compared the default font to those nice guys that get to know your parents for no apparent reason and somehow wind up sitting at your dinner table. The consensus seems to say that Calibri istoo expected. But hey, maybe a little predictability is exactly what your resume needs.5. Georgia The Modern TwistUnlike many other resume fonts, Georgia doesnt feel so dated. It feels fun and contemporary, yet still traditional and trusted.Mashablerecommends using Georgia instead of Times New Roman because it was ac tually designed to be read on screens. Heres the catch Although Georgia looks amazing on the internet, it doesnt always translate as well in print. So if youre going to distribute hard copies of your resume, think twice before using this fun font.Bottom lineTheres noperfectfont. You always have to take into consideration the industry you are entering, the job youre applying for and the image you wish to present. Your resume has the rare ability to divulge who you are as aprofessional and sometimes as a person in a limited amount of words, so make it count. Butpleasejustdo so with a font thats better than Times New Roman.This article was originally published on

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Quick! Get into Harvard Law School While You Can!

Quick Get into Harvard Law School While You CanQuick Get into Harvard Law School While You CanYesterday, Professor Jonathan D. Glater of the University of California, Irvine, School of Law, wrote in the New York Timesthat right now is, in fact, a great time for you to apply to law school. Not because the economy is on the upswing or because legal hiring is predicted to grow in the next few years- but because its easier to get in.Why is it easier to get in to law school right now? Because fewer people are applying.And why are fewer people applying? Because, for many students,law school is a mistake.A law school diploma is no longer a sure ticket to a job, let alone a life of luxury. Yet a six-figure income seems almost essential for grads facing an average debt load of $125,000 from private law schools and $75,000 from public institutions.Unfortunately, landing one of these law firm jobs is far from guaranteed. In fact, of the schools whose graduates have thehighest average debtupon g raduation, the average full-time employment rate is just under 50%and that includes all types of employment, not just BigLaw (where, by the way, only 8% of the class of 2011 got jobs, according to the Wall Street Journal).This is not going to change because fewer people are applying to law school- especially since fewer applicants does not necessarily mean fewer admitted students.According to Professor Glater, if fewer people are applying to law school, then there is less competition overall for spots. This is obviously true. Also, Ive heard its really easy to get a reservation at the worst restaurant in New York City.Glater goes on to argue that the number of test-takers earning higher scores on the LSAT has declined more than the number of students who earn lower scores. That means that an applicant who scores well may have a better shot of getting into a highly selective institution than in years past, and perhaps of getting a more generous aid package as a result of competition over students with high scores.This is good news for a very small percentage of applicants 1) those with great LSAT scores and viable post-graduate career plans to pay off their loans (i.e., its likely that theyll get a corporate job AND they are willing to stay in said job for ten years), or 2) those with great LSAT scores who are awarded significant financial aid packages.But the danger of Professor Glaters argument is that it ignores the very reason that there are fewer applicants to law school. Legal hiring is down. Tuition continues to rise. Not everyone can get a job in BigLaw. Not everyone wants a job in BigLaw. Many public interest positions dont pay enough to justify taking on $100,000+ of student loans.So please dont sign up for the next LSAT because you think youll have a better shot of getting in to law school. Applying for law school- just like any big investment- should be done only after careful consideration of your goals and finances.CONNECT WITH US ON TWITTER VAULT LAW

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

how to list the dates of your current job on your resume

how to list the dates of your current job on your resume how to list the dates of your current job on your resume This is a tiny, minor, inconsequential thing, but Im telling you anyway because Im neurotic about small things: If you are currently employed, the dates on your resume for your current job should end with present. For instance: Chocolate Teapot Maker, 2009 present not Chocolate Teapot Maker, 2009 2013 If you do the latter, many of us will wonder if youre still employed there or whether you left. And if it happens to be, say, December 2012, and your most recent job says 2009 2012, well wonder if youre still there or whether you left 10 months ago. And then well spend time asking you, when you could have been clear about it from the beginning. Minor, very minor, but worth doing right.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Getting a Law Job with Average Grades...and other Questions

Getting a Law Job with Average Grades...and other Questions Getting a Law Job with Average Grades...and other Questions Have questions about how to navigate the world of legal networking, interviewing and job searching? So did more than 1200 law students, who tuned in to the lively and informative webcast “Ask the Experts- Answers to Your Questions on Legal Job Search, Networking and Interviewing” on Thursday, November 8. The event was hosted by LexisNexis and co-sponsored by Vault and the American Bar Association, and featured a panel of four experts: Brynne Lehner, a legal recruiter at Manatt Phelps Phillips LLP; Rich Williamson, a partner at Nevada firm Robertson, Johnson, Miller Williamson; Sheila Nielsen, former lawyer and career counselor at Nielsen Career Consulting; and Vault’s own Law Editor, Rachel Marx Boufford. The panelists weighed in on students’ questions both during the panel and at an “after-party” on Facebook. Below, some of the takeaways: How many firms should I apply to? It’s tempting to fall into the trap of sending off a hundred generic applications in a panic-fueled spree, but Lehner advised against this. Instead, she urged students to thoroughly research potential employers and target a few that they are genuinely interested in working for. Lehner noted the importance of treating each application as if it’s the only one you’re doing; the time and effort you put in will be evident to the person reading your application. What if my grades aren’t good? A less-than-stellar GPA isn’t necessarily the end of the world. Grades will always matter, but so do other things: the types of classes you took, the work experience you gained through clinics and clerkships, the activities you pursued outside of class like mock trial, law review and moot court, as well as your individual background and perspective. While there are certainly firms out there that might not consider anyone with a GPA under a specific cutoff, most firms will consider your background more holistically. Focus on what you can offer the firm, rather than on what you’re lacking. Make your classes count. When asked if there was anything they wished they’d done differently in law school, both Williamson and Boufford said they wished they had taken more substantive skills courses outside of the required curriculum. Tax Law may not seem fun, but it’s often essential knowledge for a practicing attorney. While nonacademic pursuits are important, be sure to take advantage of the group of legal experts at your disposal (your professors). Take classes that are likely to come in handy later on.       How do you network? Networking is one of the most intimidating tasks a law student- or any job seeker- can face, but it’s also one of the most important. Your classmates are valuable resources with connections of their own, who may be working for your target employers in a few short years. Williamson suggested talking to professors and reaching out to associates at firms that you’re interested in on LinkedIn, while Nielsen encouraged going to panels or events which employees of your target firms are attending and introducing yourself. Boufford also suggested using your school’s career services to look up alumni who are now working at firms that interest you. What should I wear? A good rule of thumb to follow for interview attire, said Boufford, is: “if you have to ask whether you can wear it, don’t wear it.” Save the bright colors and funky patterns for after you’ve gotten the job. The answer to the skirt suit vs. pantsuit debate for women, unfortunately, is a bit less clear: it depends on the geographic region and culture of the firm you’re applying to. If you don’t want to work in a conservative place that would view your pantsuit unfavorably, it’s probably best to just not apply there.     Going solo. Got more of an independent streak? Williamson identified several resources for students who want to pursue solo practice, such as the ABA Solo and Small Firm General Practice Division’s online SOLOSEZ listserv and state Solo and Small Firm Resource Centers. Some states like Washington and Texas even offer startup kits with everything you need to know about starting your own practice. Finding a mentor- perhaps someone who started their own solo practice- is also key.     Got a J.D.- now what? The legal field is diverse and dynamic, and there are plenty of alternative career options for professionals with legal training. A few of the alternative career paths Nielsen mentioned were journalism (e.g., writing for legal publications), sales (e.g., selling products to law firms), marketing or public relations (perhaps within a law firm), financial services and planning, teaching and training, consulting, compliance and mediation.   Find the right fit. All the panelists agreed on the importance of framing your job search strategy around a central theme of finding a good fit for you. The job search is a two-way street: it’s not just about how you can present yourself as the best candidate for firms- you, as the candidate, also need to consider what’s right for you. Take some time to assess your values, what type of work you want to be doing, the work/life balance you want, where you’d like to live and what type of culture and people you’d most like to be around, then target the firms that share your values and have these desired qualities.   In case you missed it, you can listen to the full webcast here.

Monday, November 18, 2019

20 Twitter Accounts for Millennials to Follow

20 Twitter Accounts for Millennials to Follow 20 Twitter Accounts for Millennials to Follow millennials are expected to outnumber baby boomers by next year. Born between 1981 and 1996, millennials are typically known for their desire to pursue more than just a paycheck from their positions- they want a job that aligns with their passions, too. They value collaboration, shy away from structured corporate hierarchies, and seek meaning from their work. That’s why a company’s culture is so important to them, and one of the major factors in determining whether they’ll accept a job offer or not. And above all, they want work flexibility! Most millennials are not interested in the 9-to-5 grind- they want flexible jobs, such as remote jobs, freelance and contract work, and flexible work schedules. Millennials are also known for being super social media savvy, using it to not only socialize, but for work purposes as well. That’s why this list of 20 Twitter accounts for millennials to follow can be a great guide for them at any stage of their career. The experts on this list are at the forefront of what matters most to millennials, whether it’s to gain some guidance in finding a career, knowing how to find work flexibility, or having a career (and life) that you truly love. While this list of 20 Twitter accounts to follow is geared towards millennials, job seekers of any age and career stage can be sure to glean some great advice that they can apply to their own lives, too! Here are the 20 Twitter accounts for millennials to follow: Alissa Carpenter With a focus on leadership development and corporate training, Alissa Carpenter is a millennial expert and certified professional coach. Her goal: teaching companies how to engage and retain their talent, specifically millennial workers. Amanda Abella Amanda Abella is a millennial personal finance and business expert. She wrote the book  Make Money Your Honey: A Spirited Entrepreneur’s Guide to Having a Love Affair with Work and Money, and has been featured in Forbes, the Huffington Post, and Consumerist. Andy Josuweit With the majority of millennials in debt, Andy Josuweit offers help to pay off those pesky student loans as the CEO/founder of Student Loan Hero. Ashira Prossack Working as an engagement expert for millennials and generation Z, Ashira Prossack is a Forbes contributor and speaker. She helps businesses understand millennials and what they want in terms of work to help engage, attract, and retain them. Ashley Stahl Ashley Stahl began her career as a national security expert for the Pentagon. Today, she’s a career coach helping others find a job that they love or launch a dream business. Chelsea Krost As one of the leading millennial influencers, Chelsea Krost is a LinkedIn-rated Top 20 Millennial marketing and brand strategist. She has been a brand ambassador for such companies as Intel, Mastercard, IBM, Skype, and TurboTax. Daniela Pierre Bravo Daniela Pierre Bravo is the booking producer at NBC Universal, and a contributor for NBC’s Know Your Value. She co-authored The Millennial Challenge, which publishes next spring. Elana Lyn Gross On her website, Elana Lyn gives millennial women career, lifestyle, and job search tips. Over 250 women have been featured for her Career Profile series, which gives a glimpse into other successful millennial women’s lives. Hannah Becker Known as a millennial career, lifestyle, and travel blogger, Hannah Becker is a military spouse who writes about nontraditional career paths at the Motivated Millennial. Jasmine Wilkes With a focus in HR, Jazmine Wilkes is a blogger, speaker, and social media influencer in Alabama. She helps others on their way to becoming the best version of themselves. J.T. O’Donnell J.T. O’Donnell is the founder and CEO of, a site that helps turn frustration into job search success. She offers tips on personal branding as a way to achieve career success. Katie Crew Katie Crew is the voice behind Millennial on the Move, a lifestyle, travel, and career blog. She gives relatable tips on how to travel, live, and work well as a millennial in today’s world. Kaytie Zimmerman Kaytie Zimmerman is a Forbes contributor and founder of Optimistic Millennial, a site that helps people navigate their finances and work options. She offers tips on how other generations can work with millennials successfully. Lauretta Ihonor Lauretta Ihonor is the founder of the Ambition Plan, a UK-based site that gives guidance for women who aren’t sure what their next professional steps are. Ihonor is a former doctor who has changed careers five times! Lindsey Pollak Lindsey Pollak is a multigenerational workplace expert and New York Times bestselling author. She recently gave a TEDx Talk entitled, “It’s About Time We Stop Shaming Millennials.” Nicole Booz Nicole Booz is the editor-in-chief of GenTwenty, the twenty-something’s guide to life. The site has self-development, career, health, and financial tips. Plus, you’ll find free workbooks, templates, and ebooks in the site’s resource library. Rachel Ritlop The Confused Millennial is a lifestyle blog for millennials, created by Rachel Ritlop, a Forbes contributing writer and blog consultant/coach. She helps millennials with “adulting” and gives tips for professional and personal development. Sarah Landrum A writer at Forbes, Sarah Landrum offers job searching and career advice at her site, Punched Clocks. Some of her articles include “How to Make Friends at Work as an Introvert,” “How to Ease Pre-Interview Nerves,” and “How to Dress Professionally Without Breaking the Bank.” Stefanie O’Connell Stefanie O’Connell is a millennial money expert who has been featured on USA Today, ABC News, the Wall Street Journal, and many other major media outlets. She offers a Cash Confidence Challenge to help others master their money issues. Yolanda M. Owens A guru for those needing professional guidance, Yolanda M. Owens works with clients to help them learn how to tell their professional story- and get noticed by employers. Looking for a job that fits your lifestyle?   Browse Open Flexible Jobs

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Cycling in the city Your health versus the hazard

Cycling in the city Your health versus the hazard Cycling in the city Your health versus the hazard It was just another morning commute. That is, until a bus driver ran a red light, turned right, and drove straight into Ann-Doerthe Hass Jensen. The bus knocked the social worker off her bike, trapping her underneath, a wheel pinning down and crushing her left foot. It was a school bus heading to a Copenhagen kindergarten, and the children aboard were screaming. Ann was rushed to hospital in excruciating pain, every bone in her foot shattered.In the six weeks of hospitalisation that followed, part of Ann’s foot was amputated. Salvageable bones were wired back into place and skin grafts were taken from her thigh to replace the torn and missing flesh. “I’m pretty lucky,” says Ann. “People normally die when this happens.”It was a year before she could walk again. During that year, she had to take a taxi to work every day. “I hated it,” she says. “Here, the taxi drivers are a menace, and I was really scared of accidents.” She also hated having to wait. Travelling by b ike in Copenhagen is often the fastest way to get around, which is the top reason why Copenhageners cycle.Ann’s physiotherapy was tricky. The missing portion of her foot is a crucial stepping point, and its absence affects her balance. But walking wasn’t the only part of her rehabilitation. In Copenhagen â€" where people own 5.2 bicycles for every car â€" over a third of residents pedal to work, school or college. So rehabilitation often literally means getting you back in the saddle. The City of Copenhagen helped Ann get a specially adapted Nihola cycle: a sturdy, stable three-wheeler that has allowed her to regain independent mobility.In cities across the world, researchers, planners and policy makers are examining the many potential plus points of cycling. Increasing the proportion of people who cycle or walk, rather than drive, could not only reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, but also lower people’s risk of developing a number of diseases. But at what cost ? To what extent does cycling in cities expose you to the risk of injury or death? What makes some cities so much safer and attractive for cyclists than others?The drastically different design and policy approaches taken by large cities in Europe and North America provide some stark comparisons on cycling safety, equity and its impact on public health. To weigh up the risks and benefits of city cycling, and explore what can be learned where public health, urban design and transport engineering meet, I did what I had to do: I hopped on a bike. §In Paris, new bike lanes are pervasive. Though many of the streets are centuries old, sometimes cobbled, and claustrophobically narrow, bike lanes have been prominently marked. There are also some segregated cycle paths, often crazily disconnected â€" disappearing and appearing again in a seemingly random fashion. Skinny one-way streets might have bike lanes on the right, so you cycle with the direction of the traffic, or on the left, so you†™re in the contraflow.Oddly though, I didn’t feel unsafe cycling these narrow lanes. Many are marked 30 kph for cars. Having parked cars on the right of the bike lane, so they’re facing you, can be advantageous: it’s the passenger-side door that opens into bike traffic, so it’s less likely you’ll be struck than if it were the driver’s side exposed. And if you were to cycle into an open passenger door, you’re more likely to close it than open it further.On some major streets, like Boulevard Saint-Michel, there are special lanes shared by bikes and buses. Though I felt less squeezed cycling in these wide lanes, where traffic was much lighter than the adjacent lanes for cars, I did feel a little intimidated about sharing the lane with buses. That said, the Parisian bus drivers gave me plenty of space, and didn’t behave aggressively. I did get a sense that traffic here has become accustomed to bicycles. There are some off-street cycle paths too. Zooming alongside the Sei ne on the elevated bike path, totally segregated from motorised traffic, was pure delight.Vélib’ bikes, from Paris’s bicycle-sharing system, were in use everywhere. I saw men in suits, teenagers, women in chic business attire, pensioners, and female university students riding side by side on the bikes. Posting celebrity Vélib’ sightings on social media has apparently become something of a local pastime. The bikes are such a fixture that I saw one young man taking a break on a parked Vélib’, feet on the handlebars, chatting on his mobile phone.In the midst of Paris’s cycling revolution, it seemed fitting to meet Ari Rabl at Le Procope, a city restaurant where some of the leaders of the French Revolution gathered. With Audrey de Nazelle, a Lecturer at the Centre for Environmental Policy at Imperial College London, Rabl, a consultant and retired Senior Scientist at the Centre Energétique et Procédés of the École des Mines in Paris, has looked at the health benefits whe n people move from cars to walking or cycling.Rabl explains that they found that the population-level costs due to fatal accidents are outweighed at least tenfold by the health benefits of walking or cycling. Monetising the costs and benefits, Rabl and de Nazelle estimated that for a driver who switches from driving to cycling for their 5 km commute, the overall health benefit from physical activity is worth about 1300 euros per year. Of course, it’s important to point out that while fatal accidents might be reported as small ‘population-level costs’ in public health studies, they have tragic, catastrophic costs for individuals and their loved ones. §Four days earlier, and some 1,000 or so kilometres north-east, I’m sitting in a conference room at the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Public Health, overlooking the picturesque Lakes area. Around the table are health researchers Astrid Ledgaard Holm, Henning Langberg and Henrik Brønnum-Hansen.Ledgaard Holm, a doctor al student, has modelled the health impacts of increased cycling. Accounting for physical activity, exposure to accidents and air pollution, she and colleagues found that the overall burden of disease â€" including heart disease, stroke, type II diabetes, breast cancer, colon cancer, cardiopulmonary disease and lung cancer â€" was reduced in people who cycled. The positive health effects of increased cycling were more than a third larger than the potential loss of health from bicycle accidents and air pollution.Other studies investigating the health impacts of cycling have found similar positive benefits, although the magnitude varies. In a different study based in Copenhagen, researchers analysed data from over 13,000 women and 17,000 men to explore the impact of physical activity on mortality. Even after adjusting for other factors, such as physical activity in leisure time, they found that people who did not cycle to work experienced a 39 per cent higher mortality rate than those who did. In other words, cycling improved longevity.One of the most interesting insights the Danish researchers share is how they’ve discovered that many Danes don’t consider cycling exercise. “People here can easily be riding back and forth 5 km per day, and if you ask them on a questionnaire if they are physically active, they will say ‘No, I don’t do any exercise’,” says Ledgaard Holm. For many here, she says, it’s not a choice of activity, but your mode of transport.What’s immediately striking about cycling in Copenhagen is the incredible diversity of individuals on bicycles. Embedding myself in the morning rush-hour traffic on Nørrebrogade, one of Copenhagen’s busiest cycle routes, I see a woman in a long flowing black jilbab pedalling a cargo bike with two small children in the basket. I see men of all ages in suits; women in dresses, high-heeled boots and smart coats, flowing garments protected from the spokes by metal skirt guards on the wheel hub. I se e university students and children cycling to school; toddlers strapped into child seats on the front or back of mum or dad’s bike; and baskets of children pedalled along in sturdy Christiana or streamlined Bullit bikes. Some children ride the cycle paths independently. Others are shepherded by parents cycling alongside, who guide their charges with the occasional gentle hand on the back.While cycling to interviews at the University of Copenhagen one morning, I happen upon a makeshift memorial on the side of the street. At the intersection of Store Kongensgade and Dronningens Tværgade in the city centre, a stretch of tarmac the length of a body is adorned with fresh flowers and candle jars inscribed with handwritten notes. I discover later that it’s where a 20-year-old woman on her bike was struck and killed several weeks earlier by a tourist bus making a right-hand turn.Decades after streets were first painted with white crosses to mark fallen cyclists, cycling accidents, alth ough rare, are still not taken lightly here. Only one Copenhagen cyclist was killed in 2012, and no year from 1998 to 2012 has seen more than seven cyclists killed in the city, according to Statistics Denmark. These figures are quite something in a city where the population cycles an estimated 1.27 million km every day. The risk associated with being a cyclist in Copenhagen “has dropped by more than 70 per cent over the last 15 years” according to Niels Torslov, the City of Copenhagen’s Traffic Director. “And it’s a very strong story about finding the right measures, and designing a road space in a way that protects the users, especially those cycling.”Cycling in Copenhagen, where cycling is deeply embedded in the city’s culture. © Sarah Maycock/Handsome FrankThe use of cycling helmets is growing among Copenhageners, noticeably more than in Amsterdam, where helmet wearing is still very much an exception. At the time of her accident, in 2006, Ann-Doerthe Hass Jensen was wearing a helmet, though clearly, as she says herself, a helmet protects your head but not your feet. She says that working at Copenhagen’s Centre for Rehabilitation of Brain Injury, as she does, makes you fanatical about helmets. “There is no way I would not have a helmet on,” she says.After several days of exploring Copenhagen by bike, I meet Ann at the Centre, where she leads me outside to see her specially adapted tricycle. Her sense of pride is palpable. It takes her between 30 and 40 minutes to make the trip from home to work. “The first few times I got back on a bike again, it was hard. Really, really hard,” she says. “There was a lot of crying.” Now, though, there is no stopping her.In her first year of recovery, Ann’s rehabilitation team felt she needed to re-establish both the freedom of mobility and the quality of life that her bicycle had previously allowed. It wasn’t easy. Beyond the physical challenges of getting Ann back in the saddle, there was ano ther hurdle: her enormous fear. “I had to work with a psychologist… because I was scared like hell,” she says. Using cognitive therapy, she and her psychologist worked through the entire experience, going over the incident report in excruciating detail. Pushing through that fear was tough. “It wasn’t my perception that was off that day. It was somebody who actually did something wrong. And it took me a while to get my confidence again,” she says. Ann’s fear was not unreasonable. Her experience wasn’t just ‘an accident’. It was the action of a negligent driver, whose licence was revoked when the case came to court two years later. §Research shows that perceived safety â€" how safe you feel â€" is at least as critical as measured safety to the willingness of citizens to hop on a bike. For me, of all the cities I cycled in, London was the most terrifying.Cyclists were prevalent in the centre of the city, and what immediately struck me, beyond the dense, fast-moving traffic they were attempting to navigate, was the rapid speed they were cycling at. In impromptu interviews with cyclists stopped at traffic lights, I asked one woman why she cycled. Her answer: “I hate the Tube [London’s underground train system], it’s really unhealthy and sweaty and overcrowded.” Asked if she felt safe cycling, she said, “No. That’s the honest answer.” But her sentiments weren’t shared by everyone I asked. A student who had just moved to London said, “It’s about five to ten years ahead of New York,” adding that she felt quite safe cycling on London’s cycle superhighways.I, on the other hand, did not. I spent some time watching cyclists crossing the Southwark Bridge section of one of the cycle superhighways. Riding along CS7’s blue painted bike lane on a Boris bike (the nickname for bikes in London’s cycle hire scheme, introduced in 2010 under Mayor Boris Johnson) largely unseparated from mixed, fast-moving traffic, made me anxious and u neasy. What’s more, I suffer from asthma, making me a bit of a human canary for air pollution. After the noticeably clean air of Copenhagen, the polluted air of London made for laboured breathing.London is beginning to make progress on provisions for cyclists, and there are good sections of the growing infrastructure, but I saw plenty of room for improvement. On both sides of Southwark Bridge, which crosses the river Thames, the short, separated span of blue bike lane, protected by a concrete barrier, fed straight into a bus stop. This forced cyclists to choose between two unappealing options: wait like a sitting duck behind the bus while it stops, or pull out into traffic to overtake, and risk being in one of the bus’s many blind spots when it pulls out from the kerb. Peter Wright is the delivery planner for cycling at Transport for London (TfL), the local government body chaired by Johnson. Wright explains that bus-stop bypasses are planned, “to try and avoid conflict so tha t cyclists don’t have to come out into general traffic”. A similar hazard was delivery vehicles parked in bike lanes, a common sight in London and Paris.In November 2013, when asked about the spate of cycling deaths, Johnson told the Guardian that if cyclists did not follow the rules, “there’s no amount of traffic engineering that we invest in that is going to save people’s lives”. Growing evidence suggests that statement is untenable, not to mention that it blames the victim. I requested an interview with Johnson. His press office did not reply.To be fair, though, London’s Mayor â€" a cyclist himself â€" is making gradual progress. In 2013, TfL announced its Safe Streets for London plan, which aims to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured by 40 per cent by 2020. Ben Plowden from TfL Surface Transport said: “In 2015, we will be spending £145m a year on cycling, or roughly £18 a head, up with the best in Germany and almost on a par with the Netherl ands. This represents around 2 per cent of TfL’s overall expenditure and is roughly proportionate to the current 2 per cent mode share of cycling.” He added that cycle spending would total £913m during the next ten years, more than treble previously planned levels. §It is not completely clear how and why accident rates change as the number of cyclists varies, but a ‘safety in numbers’ effect seems to occur: safety improves in a city as the total number of cyclists increases. This effect has been seen in studies in Denmark, the Netherlands, 14 other European countries, Australia and 68 cities in California.“It is likely that causation runs in both directions: safer cycling encourages more cycling, and more cycling encourages greater safety,” writes John Pucher, Professor of Urban Planning at Rutgers University, in his 2012 book City Cycling, written with Ralph Buehler. Motorist behaviour probably contributes to this phenomenon. In places like Copenhagen â€" where four ou t of five individuals have access to a bicycle â€" most drivers are also cyclists, and so are accustomed to sharing public space with bicycles.It can be difficult to compare safety between cities because of the lack of consistency in data collection and because of the need to frame injuries and deaths within the context of ‘exposure’ â€" the overall numbers of trips, total distance or time spent cycling. Under-reporting of cycling crashes is also a well-documented problem. Nevertheless, Pucher and Buehler’s book listed figures for annual fatalities per 10,000 bike commuters (2010 figures): Copenhagen 0.3 Amsterdam 0.4 Vancouver 0.9 Toronto 1.3 Portland 1.9 Montréal 2.0They listed these figures for annual fatalities per 100,000 daily cyclists (2009 figures):Paris 8.2 London 11.0 New York 37.6Unless you are travelling at breakneck speed, though, there is nothing inherently dangerous about cycling â€" it’s the environment you’re in that creates danger. Ian Roberts, Professor in the Nutrition and Public Health Intervention Research Unit at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, began his career as a paediatric trauma doctor. “I saw lots of children hit by cars,” he says, “and it  really  is awful.” He describes these deaths as “kinetic energy disease” â€" a reference to the idea of mismatched masses in motion. When one of those masses is protected by metal casing, but the other isn’t, it’s clear who is more likely to be hurt.One of the trends Roberts has puzzled over is the long-term decline in the death rates of British pedestrians, despite an increase in motorisation. “Road safety people would point to it as an example of how roads are getting safer. But I was a little bit sceptical… because [the] volume of kinetic energy on the road was going up.” An alternative hypothesis was that in industrialised countries, there were fewer people walking, something investigated in research he conducted while working in New Zealand. “Over the years it became obvious that people were walking and cycling less than ever before in the history of humans on the planet,” says Roberts. “The world was not getting safer, it was getting more hostile, and people were voting with their feet by getting out of the way.”In North America in the 1970s, cyclists â€" or at least the most vocal advocacy groups purporting to represent them â€" did not want to get out of the way. So-called vehicular cycling was emerging, a philosophy that has influenced transport policy in both North America and Britain. Fathered by Californian industrial engineer and cycling activist John Forester, vehicular cycling encourages cyclists to travel on the road in mixed traffic. On his website, Forester writes: “Vehicular cycling, so named bec ause you are acting as the driver of a vehicle, just as the traffic laws require, is faster and more enjoyable, so that the plain joy of cycling overrides the annoyance of even heavy traffic.”In 1970s California, lots of athletic cyclists were forming touring groups for riding fast on roads, explains Anne Lusk, a Research Scientist at the Harvard School of Public Health. Back then, she says, such groups may have legitimately feared that US adoption of Dutch-style cycle paths would restrict bike access to roads. “At the time, paths were becoming crowded by joggers, walkers, in-line skaters and baby-carriage pushers,” says Lusk, so cycling advocates fought forcefully against proposals for cycle paths.The vehicular cycling philosophy became incorporated into US guidelines for transport design, and its influence was felt for decades, limiting the building of physically separated cycle tracks and putting cyclists on the road with cars. “It’s something that really stuck in North America,” says Meghan Winters, Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University, Canada. Asked if the philosophy of vehicular cycling is evidence-based, she says no. “But it’s something that was sticky and was adopted very broadly for very, very many years,” she adds.Forester’s teachings included how to operate as a motor vehicle, with skills like not riding in the door zone (the area next to a parked car where an opened door could hit a moving cyclist). They were useful, says Lusk, in that they did teach people how to bike with cars if they had to. But she does not endorse Forester’s view that there should be no cycle lanes painted on the road, no separate cycle tracks and no cycle symbols.Lusk, and other researchers who have studied the particular needs of certain groups of cyclists â€" such as women, children, elderly people and parents transporting children â€" point out that many of these riders cannot operate as a vehicle as confide ntly as, say, a fit young man on a racing or touring bike. Utilitarian cycling, with bike-specific transport infrastructure, is about being inclusive, addressing the needs of cyclists young and old, male and female. The need for speed is not universal among cyclists, nor is feeling comfortable cycling in heavy, motorised traffic.It’s precisely the recognition that cyclists come in all shapes and sizes, and with all kinds of needs, that has driven the last several decades of cycling infrastructure and policy in Denmark and the Netherlands. Tom Godefrooij of the Dutch Cycling Embassy writes: “Cycling is too important as a mode of transport to leave it only to the daring helmeted cycle warriors in conspicuous jackets. Cycling should not be elitist, but for all.” §Outside Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport, I see a worker giving his colleague a lift to the aeroplane on the back of his bike, an example of just how deeply embedded cycling is in Dutch culture.A bicycle is by far the best and quickest way to get around Amsterdam, local journalist Bennie Mols tells me. One new hazard he laments is tourists on bikes, who lack the understanding of how and where to ride. His description stirs a guilty pang. I learn quickly (but too late) that the hand signal for ‘stop’ is essential in busy bike traffic. Failing to use it as I slow down to navigate, I cause a near-collision as a herd of bicycles behind me screeches to a halt, one woman yelling “Seriously?” at me multiple times as she skids to a stop on the grassy verge. Wishing I could dissolve into the bike path, I sheepishly review the hand signals in my guidebook. It’s a mistake I don’t make again.Amsterdam and Copenhagen weren’t always the cycle-friendly cities they are today. In the Netherlands, as car-buying wealth grew in the postwar era, cycling rates dropped precipitously from about 85 per cent of all trips in the 1950s to about 20 per cent in the early 1970s. As the numbers of cyclists fell, disco ntent grew over the increasing numbers of cyclists and pedestrians killed in traffic accidents. A journalist whose daughter had been killed in traffic launched the ‘Stop Kindermoord’ (stop the child murder) movement. There were widespread street protests.Danish transport policy reached a tipping point in the 1970s and 1980s, when the nation veered away from urban planning dominated by provisions for motorised vehicles, towards the establishment of cycling-specific infrastructure and traffic calming. As Stop Kindermoord emerged in the Netherlands, a coincident movement grew in Denmark. The public rose up against a proposal to build a major motorway alongside a picturesque area of Copenhagen known as the Lakes. Massive demonstrations ensued. It was during this era that protesters began painting white crosses on the streets where cyclists had been killed in traffic.So while most other developed nations continued through the 1980s and beyond with road transport design that prioritis ed the needs of motorised vehicles, a dramatic change was taking place in northern Europe. The shift in thinking catalysed by public protest was that, rather than requiring children and cyclists to adapt to motorised traffic, traffic should adapt to children and cyclists. Northern Europe’s shift towards a safer, more convenient infrastructure for cyclists and pedestrians created an unplanned natural experiment â€" albeit one fraught with uncontrolled variables including car taxes, climate, topography, political differences and dependence on the car industry for employment. Nevertheless, in cities oriented towards motor vehicles, the limited provision of transport routes that safely accommodate bikes and a default assumption that riders will adopt vehicular cycling have resulted in stagnantly low numbers of (mostly male) cyclists, for the best part of three decades.“There are dramatic differences in terms of cycling rates and cycling safety between those two places [northern Euro pe and North America],” says Meghan Winters. “So I think the evidence clearly illustrates which one of these strategies is effective if your goal is to get large segments of the population cycling, and cycling safely… In a sense, this is a global experiment on that, and I think North America may be coming around now,” she says. Perhaps. But there’s a long road ahead. §It’s the summer of 2013, and Toronto traffic is a mess. In the midst of major street reconstruction and resurfacing, traffic queues bumper-to-bumper heading south on Bay Street, near City Hall. There are a few demarcated bike lanes, and only one separated bike path (not including the completely off-street routes like the largely recreational path along the lakeshore). Taxis weave in and out of lanes, sometimes coming very close to the kerb â€" the space shared with bicycles. It feels like a hostile environment for cyclists, and I do not sense much tolerance of bikes from motorists.One of the cyclists I spea k to in an impromptu interview says that it’s pedestrians rather than vehicles that he worries about most. Other hazards for Toronto cyclists include streetcars. Their tracks, which can trap a bicycle wheel if crossed in parallel, are particularly nerve-wracking. Toronto is not an unfamiliar city to me â€" I lived there for more than a decade â€" but returning to cycle downtown is not a pleasant experience.In Vancouver, however, there’s a shift in transportation thinking. I note a growing number of bike lanes, segregated bike paths, and painted bike boxes at junctions, which give cyclists a safe place to await a green light and turn safely, ahead of motorists.Though recreational cycling in places like Stanley Park has been possible for decades, it’s cycling as transportation that is the focus of the Vancouver City Council and Mayor Gregor Robertson, who cycles to work. Some of the new separated bike paths feel very safe and easy to use. But there are still places where lanes e nd in a fairly hazardous way, such as one junction where the bike lane ends abruptly only to reappear a few metres later in the middle of two lanes of car traffic. Cycling along Dunsmuir and over the bridge viaduct on the fully segregated bike lane feels incredibly liberating. Perhaps I’m pushing my luck riding a bike around downtown Vancouver on Friday the 13th, but where the bike routes are marked, or traffic is calmed, I feel relatively safe.The science of urban cycling is messy, but the case for separated bike lanes combined with traffic-calming measures (to reduce vehicle speed) is mounting. A 2009 paper that examined findings from 23 studies from across the world suggested that “purpose-built bicycle-specific facilities reduce crashes and injuries among cyclists”. Recent research in Vancouver and Toronto by a collaboration of 14 researchers, including Winters, found that “at local street intersections, traditional stops are safer than traffic circles [roundabouts], and at non-intersections, cycle tracks alongside major streets and traffic diversion from local streets are safer than no bicycle infrastructure”. Many more studies are forthcoming from the Canadian Cycling in Cities research group.Montréal is the most cycle-friendly Canadian city I visit. Even where bike lanes are not explicitly marked, motorists are generally patient and considerate in terms of sharing space with cyclists. Though definitely more hilly than Amsterdam and Copenhagen, the undulating topography doesn’t seem to be an impediment to Montréalers. Montréal means ‘Mount Royal’, referring to the steep â€" if not entirely mountainous â€" hill and park near the centre of town. The Plateau area, an uphill climb from the city centre, is one of the most heavily cycled parts of the city. It hosts the city’s oldest major bike path, along Rue de Brébeuf, a route that spans the entire island of Montréal. During morning rush hour, I see a steady stream of bikes along Boule vard de Maisonneuve, one of several bi-directional, fully segregated bike paths with bike-specific traffic lights. Bikes are also allowed in Montréal’s parks, many of which have trails for recreational or commuting use.It was in Montréal, the only large North American city to have cycling infrastructure dating back to the 1980s, that Anne Lusk and colleagues tested the safety of separated cycling infrastructure versus road cycling. They found that separated cycle tracks have lower crash and injury rates (or at least no higher) than the street, and have seen a similar trend in the USA. And research by Winters and colleagues adds to the evidence, finding that bicycle-specific infrastructure that reduces interactions between cyclists and motor vehicles can reduce the occurrence of injuries, potentially by more than 50 per cent. §So, how do we make our cities better for cyclists? Safe-cycling cities, policies and legislation already exist, and can inspire others. In Oregon, Portland ’s ‘vulnerable user law’, for example, is modelled on a European safety concept, says Portland attorney Ray Thomas, a partner at Swanson, Thomas, Coon and Newton who specialises in cycling law. In Copenhagen, in one of many chance interviews with cyclists on city streets, I happen upon a young American student â€" Mike Milan, from Greenville, South Carolina â€" who is studying architecture there. “As I’ve learned in my urban design class here, Copenhagen has tried to slow down the city to a human pace, and a human scale,” he says. His thoughts conceptually crystallise the city’s transport philosophy, and are equally applicable to Amsterdam.“Making people feel safer on bikes should not mean equipping them with high-vis and reflective helmets,” says Jack Harris, owner of London’s Tally Ho! Cycle Tours. “We need infrastructure that allows a broader cross-section of society to get onto a bike.” The places that are serious about encouraging cycling as a safe, acce ssible and pleasant mode of transport have some tough decisions to make about vulnerable users, including cyclists, in the allocation of urban space.At the Copenhagen rehabilitation centre where Ann-Doerthe Hass Jensen works, her physiotherapist colleague Daniel Thue Bech-Pedersen says: “Our main goal of rehabilitation is to allow any individual to be more active again.” This can mean being active for work, for leisure, for getting yourself around. “When you can transport yourself and make sure you lower your risk of having another stroke or whatever,” he says, “then one plus one equals three.”Ann suffers chronic pain from her foot, wears special orthopaedic shoes and walks with a cane, so getting back to cycling made a massive difference to her mobility. It also gave her back her independence. On her cargo trike, she can take her two-year-old niece out on excursions, something that would be impossible on foot or by bus. Asked how she feels at this point along her recove ry and about riding to work each day, she replies confidently and without hesitation: “I love it.” Her tricycle has given her much more than just a means of getting about. Being mobile means being independent, but even more, it means being free.Research for this article was supported in part by a journalism award to Lesley Evans Ogden from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.This article first appeared on Mosaic and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

Friday, November 15, 2019

3 Common Interview Tips NOT to Take

3 Common Interview Tips NOT to Take 3 Common Interview Tips NOT to Take Interviews are stressful, probably the most stressful part of the job search process, so it's  understandable  to want to  get as much advice about them as possible. However, some interview advice that seems helpful on the surface can ultimately hurt rather than help you. Here are three common interview tips to beware of. 1. Show up early. It's fine to show up five minutes early for your  interview. But showing up 15 minutes early is not fine. The reason is it will make you appear overly eager, perhaps desperate, as opposed to punctual and enthusiastic. Keep in mind that if you arrive 15 minutes early for your interview, you'll likely have to sit in the lobby for 15 minutes. This means that you might start to get nervous, thinking about the interview, whereas if you were just walking around outside, you might be a little less calm, your head a little clearer. Further, your interviewer is likely a very busy person, and when you arrive too early and your interviewer is notified that you've arrived, your interviewer is likely in the middle of doing something else. And your very early arrival might interrupt that something, which could get your interview off to a bad start before it even starts. Of course, it's extremely important to be on time for your interview, but when it comes to interviewing, the very  early bird does not get the worm. 2. Ask questions about your interviewer's experiences. You've probably  heard many an interview-tipper telling you to ask your interviewers about themselves, to get them talking since everybody loves to talk about themselves. While it's true people like to talk about themselves, interviewers have likely interviewed hundreds of people in their careers, and they know all too well about this tip and these types of questions, which can often come off as insincere and pat. Remember, interviewers are busy; they have a ton to do. And they're taking time out of their busy schedules to see if you might be a good candidate for their firm. This means they don't want to waste too much of their valuable time talking about themselves. They want to know about you, to test you, to hear about you. So, while it's a good idea to ask questions of your interviewers, make sure all of your questions are sincere, and make them a part of the conversation you've been having. That is, ask questions as they come to you, and about what's been discussed. Asking too many questions about your interviewer's experiences out of the blue could very well kill, rather than help, your candidacy. 3. Mirror your interviewer's body language. Although certain interview-tippers will point to certain psychological studies as proof that mirroring your interviewer's body language works, it's going to be in your best interest to tread carefully here. If you're thinking about when to lean forward, lean back, speak with your hands, nod, fold your arms, uncross your arms, etc., while you're being interviewed, there's a very good chance you  won't be answering questions as best you can. So, instead of focusing on mirroring your interviewer, try focusing on yourself. Of course, body language is important, but you really only need to do two things with your body during an interview: 1) sit up straight, and 2) don't  cross your  arms  or legs. If you just remember these two things and follow them, you'll come across as professional and open, and you'll be able to spend your energy on the most important part of your interview: what comes out of your mouth in response to your interviewer's questions.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Executive Assistant Salary and Jobs in New York City

Executive Assistant Salary and Jobs in New York City Executive Assistant Salary and Jobs in New York City New York City, perhaps America’s most prominent mecca of business and high-powered executives, provides seemingly endless opportunities for executive assistants. It has no shortage of financial institutions and Fortune 500 companies, including JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, the New York Stock Exchange and dozens more. The C-suite feels right at home here, and positions are readily available for administrative professionals who are driven, proactive and quick to learn. “It’s a very hot market, very competitive for employers,” says Daryl Pigat, a Robert Half recruiter experienced in placing administrative professionals. “We’re having to tap into passive job seekers and referrals from other candidates to find top admin talent.” The largest metropolitan area in the U.S., the City That Never Sleeps is known for its dynamism and job opportunities - but also its high cost of living. The 2019 OfficeTeam Salary Guide shows that salaries here trend 40.5 percent above the national average. This is to compensate, in part, for high taxes and housing prices. Still, New York remains attractive to many job seekers, not only for its plentiful professional opportunities but also its status as a cultural hub. Broadway shows, prestigious art museums and galleries, television and movie production, and historic attractions only scratch the surface of all that makes up the excitement of living here. Despite the high price of entry and day-to-day downsides like infamously high traffic congestion, it ranks No. 4 overall in our Career City Index for quality of life. Executive assistant salary The salary midpoint for an executive assistant in New York City is $74,816. Senior executive assistants may see midpoint salaries of $86,056 in the city.  At the midpoint, candidates have average experience with the necessary skills to meet the job requirements, and the role may be in an industry where competition for talent is moderate. In extreme cases, especially where deep industry connections come into play, salaries can go even higher. “We just filled an EA position with one of the highest salaries I can remember, for a private equity firm,” says Pigat. “The base for this role was $200,000. The candidate had in-depth knowledge of the finance industry and was aware of not just the players in the media but the who’s who of that world. She even knew who certain financial players were partners with.” GET THE 2019 SALARY GUIDE A singular focus on skills Executive assistants share many of the same duties as administrative assistants, but EAs tend to focus on one CEO, vice president or a senior management team rather than an entire office. They are in charge of their boss’s calendar and travel arrangements, and they sometimes supervise other administrative support staff. They often play a large role in planning events, tracking expenses, creating presentations and even managing their exec’s social media presence. Employers in New York City expect executive assistants to have at least the following: A high school diploma, although a college degree is often preferred - especially for senior-level positions and in large companies At least three years of experience Strong technical and research skills Proficiency in all Microsoft Office applications Experience with customer relationship management (CRM) and database software, as well as enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems Strong organizational and project management skills Ability to comfortably interact with individuals at all levels of the organization and outside the company Discretion with and sensitivity to confidential information As New York City is arguably the country’s most international and diverse city, bilingualism is also a major asset. For many EA positions, fluency in a language other than English is a requirement. For specific industries, additional skills may be required. In the field of finance, for example, employers may also expect experience with tax filing, compliance reporting and accounts payable. Soft skills are a must Many executives prize their assistants’ interpersonal skills as much as - if not more than - their technical savvy. Because EAs are the gatekeepers for and representatives of their boss, they must possess a high level of professionalism and communication abilities. “An executive admin has to have a personality that matches the client,” says Pigat. “We have candidates with the right technical skills interview all the time, but the client comes back and says, ‘We didn’t feel the connection.’ Putting your personality out there is part of the process.” Adaptability and unflappability are pluses, as executive assistants wear multiple hats and juggle myriad duties. “Some EA positions require an openness to doing more personal tasks for your boss,” says Pigat. “You may get asked to book a trip for a family member or oversee household staff.” He adds that it’s fine for candidates to draw a line regarding performing personal requests. It’s a good idea, however, to make the company aware of any boundaries during the interview process. After all, the job description line “performs other duties as required” is tailor-made for this role. Find your position Ready to launch your career in the Big Apple? Start your job search by reviewing our executive assistant jobs in New York City.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

3 Ways to Impress Your Boss After a Promotion - The Muse

3 Ways to Impress Your Boss After a Promotion - The Muse 3 Ways to Impress Your Boss After a Promotion So, your hard work has finally paid off and you’ve been promoted! Not only that, you’ve already successfully negotiated the terms and celebrated your victory. Your success is well-deserved, but unfortunately the hard work does not stop when your title changes (buzzkill, I know). If you listen carefully around the office, you’ll notice that successful people in your organization are often “famous” for one or two things. This is because they have played a part in a few successful initiatives and socialized their achievements throughout the organization. You can do this, too. You have about 90 days to really make an impact in a new position. Spend your first three months wisely by figuring out what your “claims to fame” in your new role will be. Here’s how: 1. Look For Some (Meaningful) Quick Wins The best way to show you deserve that promotion is with an early, substantive “claim to fame” moment that’ll set you up for success in the long run. It’s important to find a win that is meaningful to your new team and not just the easiest low-hanging fruit. When you’re having one-on-one meetings with team members and your boss, try to find out what some of their major pain points are in their day-to-day jobs. Consider an example where a major grievance from your sales team is that they often have to do a ton of revisions on their client presentations because they get last minute product spec changes from the marketing department. Your quick win is to develop an internal calendar, align all the stakeholders, and implement it across departments. By solving a key issue that affects your team and your boss on a daily basis, you establish a strong relationship with your team and get recognition right away. 2. Look for Opportunities Outside of Your Immediate Role A great way to differentiate yourself in your new role is to brainstorm new opportunities. For example, if you’ve recently been promoted to account manager working on an established account, share suggestions you have for attracting new business. Pitch your ideas to your manager and offer to lead new initiatives. Since the idea falls outside the scope of your job description, you’ll get brownie points for going the extra mile. It’s a surefire way to get noticed as someone who thinks creatively. Of course, when considering alternatives outside of long-standing practices, you may encounter resistance. You’ll need to exercise your best judgment to decide how much you can rock the boat without stepping on too many toes in your first 90 days. Unsure whether an idea will be seen as innovative or controversial? Find someone you can trust- be it your boss or a co-worker who will be honest with you- to bounce ideas off of before formally suggesting them. 3. Establish Credible “Name Droppers” I love this idea because it turns traditional career advice on its head. You’ve definitely heard about the importance of great mentors and sponsors, and rightly so. However, you’ve probably also heard that you should network in three directions, and may be wondering how you can do that if you only focus on seeking advice from influential people. Well, another very important type of person to have in your social network at work are what I like to call “name droppers.” This could be a sponsor or a mentor, but it could also be a well-respected friend, teammate, or subordinate. A good “name dropper” is someone who will spread the word about your great work within the organization. They help socialize your successes and give you exposure outside of your normal circle. For example, if you implemented an impressive cost-saving initiative in your department, a friend who works in a different department could troubleshoot for her co-worker by saying, “Jane in marketing launched a great cost-saving program and saved her department 20%! Perhaps she can walk you through the program she developed.” This helps everyone because you (Jane) become famous, your friend becomes known as a networker, and the person who is in the red can steal the secrets of your genius cost-saving program. What started as a situation where you were driving great results and getting praise within your department is now a situation where you are establishing cross-functional credibility and subject matter expertise. Don’t forget to return the favor for your “name droppers!” By taking the time in the first 90 days to create some “claim to fame” moments, you’ll make a great first impression, establish credibility, and be off to a great start forming long-lasting professional relationships. Photo of awards courtesy of Shutterstock.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Programmer Analyst Job Description

Programmer Analyst Job Description Programmer Analyst Job Description Programmer Analyst Job Description This programmer analyst sample job description can assist in your creating a job application that will attract job candidates who are qualified for the job. Feel free to revise this job description to meet your specific job duties and job requirements. Programmer Analyst Job Responsibilities: Accomplishes software requirements by developing and maintaining applications and databases. Programmer Analyst Job Duties: Identifies requirements by establishing personal rapport with potential and actual clients and with other persons in a position to understand service requirements. Arranges project requirements in programming sequence by analyzing requirements; preparing a work flow chart and diagram using knowledge of computer capabilities, subject matter, programming language, and logic. Programs the computer by encoding project requirements in computer language; entering coded information into the computer. Confirms program operation by conducting tests; modifying program sequence and/or codes. Provides reference for use of prime and personal computers by writing and maintaining user documentation; maintaining a help desk. Maintains computer systems and programming guidelines by writing and updating policies and procedures. Maintains professional and technical knowledge by attending educational workshops; reviewing professional publications; establishing personal networks; participating in professional societies. Keeps equipment operational by calling for repairs; following manufacturers instructions and established procedures; evaluating new equipment. Protects operations by keeping information confidential. Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed. Develops and maintains applications and databases by evaluating client needs; analyzing requirements; developing software systems. Programmer Analyst Skills and Qualifications: Analyzing Information , C, Problem Solving, Attention to Detail, Software Design, Software Debugging, Software Development Fundamentals, Software Documentation, Software Testing, Software Requirements, Software Development Process Employers: Post a job in minutes to reach candidates everywhere. Job Seekers: Search jobs and apply on now. Learn more aboutthe hiring process: Video: How to Conduct an Interview Make the most of Hiring Tools Maximize your Job Description Results

Monday, November 11, 2019

A Guide to Babysitter Resume

A Guide to Babysitter Resume You're going to compose your child care resume. When you have child care experience, utilize the resume summary. You may be the secret to saving a youngster's life beneath your care. You will stay part of the youngster's life forever so becoming knowledgeable in the topic of early childhood development is really important. According to the Indian Labor Law, it is currently illegal to employ a young child below 14 decades old. You feel nice and enjoy when you're with children. A kid is a parent's most important possession and they'll want to know just what you're offering their son or daughter. Your child is easily the most important thing in your world. If you're on the prowl for a work at home job, make sure that you have the appropriate tools before you apply or you'll be able to wind up at the base of the applicant list. Much like online school you want to examine in regularly and fulfill a specific period of time working to be able to get paid. When you would like to find an extremely good resume assistance, you can just follow our lead. Again, bear in mind that it truly is to get the work application format which most communicates to the audience how you provides what they are searching for. Right care at the appropriate time is superior to any other services given to the mankind. Volunt eer work that you've achieved in your free time is crucial, especially if you held an officer place, but have to be listed as such. In the bare minimum, you always need to list a present job if you happen to have one. Its also smart to tailor your resume to demonstrate the way that your projects encounter specifically satisfies the essentials of the job which you're applying for. Things You Won't Like About Babysitter Resume and Things You Will At precisely the same time, some mothers discover that it is significantly simpler to mold a first-time nanny to their distinct needs. The secret to being a thriving babysitter is to maintain the children protected and amused in ways that should be other than watching TV or movies. It's also wise to have the cell phone quantities of the kids' parents. Choosing the most suitable person whom you are able to entrust the exact important duty of caring for your kid may be a tricky undertaking, more so if you're doing it for the very first t ime. You must know the way to make the best expert word for babysitter which you could send to the organization and supply good first effect about your self, understand it here. Resume themes are just ideal for folks that have a tendency own the art of producing impressive resumes. There are lots of others which you can need to learn. Display how enthusiast you're by explaining the vital reason that you want to get selected and the way you will advanced afterwards. A babysitter ought to be on time. No matter the situation, he or she needs to keep at it and never give up. Being he or she is more than just watching kids. Babysitter Job Description A babysitter is a person who is employed by means of a family to look after their children. Try out excellence in every thing that you do. Consider expert word for babysitter for a weapon, which you might strategically produces to be in a position to goal a specific work and to get the center of the business. Re-read the babysitting jo b post to determine what a family is searching for and match whatever work experience you've dependent on the ad. The really last thing you want to do is usually get a job which you can't do. Whether this Babysitter resume example was not sufficient for you, you're absolutely free to review several other samples and templates from our website. There are a number of locations the place you are able to acquire good resume examples. A best selection for applicants with lots of encounter who would like to truly have an exemplary one-page resume template. Our resume library has a fantastic number of samples. The Start of Babysitter Resume The work search may be considered a lengthy process just simply think about the statistics below! All that info can help fortify your resume so you stand out to families seeking to hire. It actually is wise to assemble as much info on your prospective employer as possible. Presenting the ideal contact information at the surface of your babysi tter resume allows interested clients to easily get in touch with you to schedule an interview. Concentrate on the needs of a babysitter and the way you best fit them. The practice of locating the babysitter does not need to be all negative. Depending on the specific family you're working for, as a babysitter you may need to become involved in performing additional tasks. You will be considered an exemplary babysitter with good communication abilities. Top Choices of Babysitter Resume When you're trying to find work, may rely on only one single remedy to discover jobs. There are a fantastic number of basic types of resumes utilized to earn application for job openings. If you believe you can't manage the job, do not think about applying for it. To begin with, to locate a nanny job, you are going to want to understand where to look.