Sunday, December 29, 2019
12 Skills You Need to Advance an Engineering Career Part 1
12 Skills You Need to Advance an Engineering Career Part 1 12 Skills You Need to Advance an Engineering Career Part 1 12 Skills You Need to Advance an Engineering Career Part 1Engineers excel at solving problems, but developing soft skills to enhance careers isnt always a top priority. Scoring an interview means you have the technical chops. After that, its all about marketing yourself, asking the right questions, making good connections, and choosing the paths that lead toward career goals. Without those, youre just another number in a large crowd of engineers.Many recent grads like Jordan Duhe, a design engineer at Noble Plastics in Grand Coteau, LA, picked up key intangibles on the job, with college providing a good educational base. Colleges like Missouri University of Science and Technology organize projects and competitions so students develop skills like negotiation, teamwork and presentation, says Christopher Ramsay, the universitys assistant vice provost for student design.D ont be just another engineer. Here are 12 soft skills you should develop to succeed in your job interviews and career.Even when you are negotiating for a salary, you are selling yourself. Salloum Nicole, Capgemini consultant Practice your communications and presentation skills. Explain concepts crisply and clearly.1) Communicate Communication is perhaps the biggest challenge for engineers, but its also the most important skill to pick up for a successful career. For some its natural, for others it comes via practice and being more social. Youve got to learn it as you go, says Brandon Graham, experiential learning lab supervisor at Rowan Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, who departureed developing his communication skills at the college level. I wanted to be involved in clubs, and the only way to do that was to be more social, Graham says. Engineers may relate to books like Dale Carnegies Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking, which provides a methodical a nd structured way to pick up communication skills.2) Presentation Avoid jargon. Work on simplifying and crisply explaining concepts, says Carlos Beatty, engineer and member of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles corporate leadership development program. When you are in front of management and people and they start to question, how do you deal with that? Beatty says. Its one thing to give a presentation and be questioned, another thing to give a presentation and be challenged. For a management position, the ability to pull your ideas together and sway opinion is key. Brush up on Powerpoint too.Learn a few interviewing basics that will help you nail that dream job3) Sell yourself In the professional world, you are selling all the time, whether its ideas, answers, jobs, or products, says Nicole Salloum, a consultant at Capgemini and professional trainer at ASME. Even when you are negotiating for a salary, you are selling yourself, Salloum says. One of the best ways to sell yourself is to prove y ourself. Volunteer for additional assignments or projects that will add to your skills, advance your career, and allow you to work with some of the companys shining stars and key players.4) Dont be just another engineer If you score an engineering job interview, its assumed you have technical competence. But companies really want differentiators. You could be a rock-star with a high GPA, but your importance boils down to the value you provide to a company. Value needs to be built, and it can start in job interviews, where good questions could impress interviewers, says Noble Plastics Duhe. Engineers with finance and technology skills are also highly sought.5) Negotiate your value Rookies cant go in and demand a salary, but they can negotiate a position that could lead to higher pay in the future. Thats tied to the earlier point of differentiating yourself from others and not being just another face in the crowd. If you negotiate your position, thats different. In three years, you kn ow your position and have a good projection, thats when you put yourself at a point of leverage, Beatty says. The purpose of leverage is so you know you have value. You know what that monetary value is so you can differentiate. Without that, youre just another number.6) Self-confidence Self-confidence is all about showing what youre capable of doing, but building that can be challenging. For Salloum, it meant doing new things. She took on a big challenge when she applied for a job working on the supply chain for a spirits company. They are always afraid to send women - for example to bars - for sales, Salloum says. Owners of bars may be more comfortable talking about this man to man.See Part 2 of 12 Skills You Need to Advance an Engineering Career for more tips such as learning humility, creating your own brand, and the power of networking.
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
When Color Blindness Gets in the Way of Your Career Dreams
When Color Blindness Gets in the Way of Your Career Dreams When Color Blindness Gets in the Way of Your Career Dreams At some point, pretty much everyone wanted to grow up to be a police officer, a fighter pilot, a firefighter, or a doctor. Something no kid ever imagines is that a common medical issue could get in the way of those childhood dreams.Eight percent of men and 0.5 percent of women, or about 12 million Americans, are at least partially color blind. Unfortunately, thecondition can impact career choices.I used to be a combat engineer in the U.S. Army, a position that requires normal color vorstellung. Combat engineers regularly handle explosives, and my understanding is that certain types of color blindness can cause fatal accidents. Upon further contemplation, Ive often wondered what other jobs could be affected by something as common as color blindness.The Doctor Is InAs it turns out, a number of professional choices can be negatively impactedby a color blindness diagnos is.Medicine, electricians, pilots, truck drivers, chefs, fashion, and many other occupations where people dont even realize theres a problem, says Dr. Mark Changizi, a neuroscientist and inventor of corrective lenses for color blindness at 2AI Labs. One of the fruchtwein common and most dangerous areas for colorblindness is in medicine. This is something doctors have noticed as far back as John Dalton in 1794, who himself was color blind, and said, he could scarcely distinguish mud from blood on his stockings.This makes the condition a big problem for anyone in the medical profession.Veins are imperceptible, as is cyanosis, erythema, rashes, etc., Changizi says. This is a serious handicap for physicians, nurses, paramedics, and other medical personnel. Color blind medical personnel are actually suffering from something I call health blindness. This refers to a limitation of naked-eye diagnostic skills due to color blindness.One of the most difficult problems of being color blind i s that you may not know that you have the condition.Blindness to ones color blindness is common, says Changizi. After all, theres no label in a color deficients visual field saying the true color may be different than it appears. In light of people often being blind to their color deficiency, the dangers I mentioned for medicine are actually much worse. Not only are color deficients missing key medical signs, but they (and their patients and colleagues) dont even realize they are.Color Blindness on the JobColor blindness doesnt only affect doctors. It can affect any number of workers in myriad ways. Office workers may have trouble reading charts and graphs, web designers might struggle to make a visually friendly site, and professional drivers could struggle to read some traffic lights.Color blindness testing is a factor only for a small number of jobs, including very easy tests for truckers and mora serious tests for pilots, Changizi says. Some countries have, at various times, had color blind tests for physicians in training, but currently there is no testing in the U.S.Dr. Changizis Color Deficiency Correcting GlassesThe good news is that technologies are now in play that can correct color blindness disorders for most people.In 2006, I made a discovery on what our color vision is for, that its actually optimally designed for seeing emotion and health color states on the face, like blushes and blanches and flushes, Changizi says. Its actually optimized for seeing key facets of the blood just under the skin, and thats why color blind people are so bad at seeing health states.Once Changizi had discovered this about color vision, he and his partner, Tim Barber, were able to figure out what needed to be done to correct color deficiencies. This lead to the creation of Color Blind Glasses that amplify the proper signals.Not all colorblindness technologies enhance the signal our color vision is designed to see, and so dont correct color vision correctly, Changizi s ays. But his and Barbers glasses do.While most color blind people have likely learned to adapt to their conditions, that may not be the case for everyone. For those who struggle with color blindness at their jobs, checking out thelatest technologies might make a day at the office (or behind the wheel, or in a cockpit) a bit less stressful.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
How To Quit A Job Gracefully
How To Quit A Job GracefullyHow To Quit A Job GracefullyFinding a new job, leaving an old one and getting acclimated to a new professional culture is a series of big life changes. Im always eager to adjust to the new reality as quickly as I can. But what happens when that reality doesnt seem to be a fit?There are some employees for whom fit is an ongoing struggle, but lets suppose thats not your issue. Instead, lets say you have longevity in previous roles, and you have just accepted a great new job with the intention of throwing down roots there. Only the job or the culture is not what you were expecting, and you find that the position isnt working out for you. I know. This feels deeply alarming. You are a seasoned professional. How did this happen to you? What now? When this happened to me I was relieved to learn that many of my contacts had similar experiences. Its unsettling and stressful. But you can recover from this and so can your resume. So dont think the sky is falling. Thi s is fixable. Decide What You NeedExamine what your gut is telling you. Is this a situation that is just not going to work out for you, or is this actually a toxic environment that is bad for you? How urgently do you need to get yourself out? If you feel like its safe enough, but it just falls short of ideal, then it may be salvageable. If you had a misunderstanding about the position, and its not what you were expecting, talk with your manager about this. Self-awareness and self-advocacy are positive qualities in a new hire, so let your manager in. But as you do this self-analysis make sure that you are comfortable with your manager. Then carefully outline your communication plan for this important discussion. An orchestrated conversation about a difficult topic is more likely to have the results you need than an impromptu conversation. You should also meet with human resources to talk about the issues you are struggling with, especially if there was a misunderstanding about the po sition you accepted. Your HR colleagues may be able to offer stab und sttze and perspective. It also helps in future job interviews, when you discuss a brief stint on a resume, to cite an HR meeting. This shows you were thorough in your efforts to work through your issues with the ill-fitting position. When to Cut Your Losses If, on the other hand, you dont feel comfortable in the culture. If it is a toxic or negative workplace and you dont want to continue there, then plan a graceful resignation. It is still in your best interest to have a conversation about what you have experienced, but in this case it will likely serve you better to go directly to HR rather than one of the agents of the cultural dysfunction. Moving Forward Your resume is a bank of work. If you have a questionable entry, you will probably be asked about it, but dont assume its a deal breaker. Its not. If your resume indicates a track record of good fit in a range of positions, then a recent short stint can be exp lained away. Use these tips to help you put your negative experiences into perspectiveonce you make your way back onto the interview circuit. My experience was painful and stressful. I wont say Im glad it happened. But I wouldnt trade the benefit I earned by living through it. piste in there. These situations really do have a way of working out.
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Acing a Job Interview After Age 50
Acing a Job Interview After Age 50Acing a Job Interview After Age 50Youre certainly qualified, but resting on your laurels wont cut it in an interview. Follow these guidelines to land that job at any age.Have you used one of these common complaints?I welches fully qualified, and it makes no sense.They simply dont know how to hire.They told me that I was overqualified.These are the sort of comments job seekers often make to Randy Block, a seasoned career-transition coach and consultant in the San Francisco Bay area.If youre an older job hunter, more than likely you already know that the ultra-competitive job-search process is especially hard on you. Part of the challenge youre facing is a major generation gap between Baby Boomer job hunters and the Gen-X hiring managers of today. As Block leided, Thirty-somethings dont want to hire their parents. Unfortunately, thats how we often come across - as their parents.You can succeed during interviews with younger hiring managers, but youll want to think and act differently. Here are five places to start Show passion for your workAs Block notes, relationships are based on shared values. He believes that shared values make up fruchtwein of what we call chemistry. Chemistry is enhanced when we meet others who share an interest. This extends to your work, profession or industry.If there is little passion or commitment from you for your work, how can you expect others to get excited during the interview? On the other hand, if you consider yourself driven or committed to what you do for a living, youll most likely hit it off with a hiring manager who has the same interest - whatever that parts age. Be upfront about whats in it for them Nowadays, employers want to know what you can bring them. Older job seekers may shy away from bragging opportunities like this. But this is one talking point you need to be prepared to get.Tenure and duties wont cut it. The best way to prepare for an interview is to focus on your personal br and. Prepare a personal brand statement for yourself - a simple sentence that offers three very important selling points about you. First, it should say who you are. Second, it should articulate your greatest strength(s). Third, it should explain the biggest benefit that you bring to your next employer.The purpose of your brand is to go beyond mere duties and job listings and get to the whats in it for them benefit that will make the employer sit up and take notice. Offer guidance Block has found an important disparity between older job seekers and younger hiring managers Boomers want to be led, while Gen Xers want to manage. Yet in coaching sessions with young managers, he observed that their leadership skills typically lag behind their management skills.If youre a Boomer, take note and realize that you might not get the visionary leader you hoped for in your next hiring manager. However, Block says that this might just be an opportunity.He has discovered that most young managers need help and guidance. They actually appreciate being mentored, coached or advised. They recognize the need, but look at it as a temporary or project-based opportunity.This may open up an opportunity to sell yourself as a consultant whose many years of expertise can be useful in the role of a temporary coach or mentor. This may be a great meld between the management versus leadership dichotomy and increase your opportunities, especially considering companies are hiring more consultants during this economic downturn. As the economy improves, that 1099 contract could well turn into a salaried position. Think short-term According to Block and other employment analysts, many companies today view their short-term survival needs as paramount. Theyre looking for players who can hit the ground now and help them grunt through the next six to nine months. That will require a change in your marketing approach Phrases like long-term and strategic wont have the sales impact of a year ago.Rathe r than emphasize the long haul in your resume and interview marketing, look instead at selling yourself as an expert who can get in and fix immediate problems quickly and efficiently. Downplay any talk about long-range solutions instead, focus on clear, results-oriented achievements for short-range problems.Talk moneyMoney talks, and it talks loudly. Money can also trump age, so try to get as close to the money as you can when you describe who you are and what you bring to the table.Keep in mind that all organizations have only two basic needs revenue and productivity. This is what keeps any top manager up at night. If you can help them, they will seek your advice and counsel. Therefore, come to the interview armed with specific examples of how you can solve their money (or productivity) problem. Your past achievements are examples of how to tackle the similar problems they face today. If you can show yourself to be the problem-solver they need, youll quickly rise to the short list of candidates. Your goal is to become the go-to person for their short-term revenue or productivity problems.SummaryGen Xer s need your help. Focus on ways you can help their short- term survivability through this recession, and get as close as you can to their revenue or productivity concerns. Talk money, and focus on how you can help them produce immediate results. A younger manager would have to be very shortsighted not to explore a working relationship with someone more experienced. Capitalize on your wealth of experience to make a positive difference in the lives and careers of Gen Xer s.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Things You Wont Like About Free Google Docs Resume Templates and Things You Will
Things You Wont Like About Free Google Docs Resume Templates and Things You Will The Pain of Free Google Docs Resume Templates Its quick and simple to find and use vorlages. Templates will be able to help you structure your letter and resume so they are well organized. Google Docs letter templates supply you with a coordinated look to coincide with the kind of your resume. The totally free document templates youll be able to see in Google Docs are really beneficial. Also, though you should always create a distinctive and customized resume for each organization you apply to, should you plan to send the exact same one to do different businesses, ensure you still create two distinct docs. A specialist invoice is crucial to your organizations credibility, not simply so your clients pay you promptly, but also so they call you again for future company. There are a lot of various websites on the web that provide invoice templates. There are a lot of organizations and sites that offer blank invoice templates for use. Resume templates exist to create your life simpler. Read More, here are several resume templates that it is easy to adjust to fulfill your requirements. Templates may be used for making CV, resume so as to apply for jobs. Alongside its basic look, the template provides you the sections you should include with subtle prompts to provide help. Rumors, Lies and Free Google Docs Resume Templates There are a lot of free resources which can be found on the internet where it is possible to pick from a wide assortment of templates designed especially for your business enterprise niche. Should you need some suggestions on how to craft the ideal healthcare resume for your specific field, take a look at our samples and the accompanying writing guides. You are going to be able to familiarize readers with tabular data or merely simple statistics in an engaging way. Once you have decided on your perfect resume template from our selection, follow ou r absolutely free expert guidance about ways to craft the ideal modern resume. The Free Google Docs Resume Templates Chronicles Choose a template you prefer. A template also simply makes it possible to conserve time. In any event, producing the template shouldnt be such a tough job. It isnt possible to update a current instance template or change an instance template after its been created. What Free Google Docs Resume Templates Is - and What it Is Not You dont need expensive software to produce a great looking resume and Google Docs is one primary reason why. The most significant thing is the fact that it has all of the essential data on the shape and can be filled out fast and simple. Google provides a resume-builder tool which youre able to utilize to create a professional resume. Its simple to edit, you can ensure it is fit your topic with no stress. Then hunt for TK before saving your document each moment, and you are able to make certain youve replaced all your pla ceholder text. Proofreading is vital in every formal document, particularly for a cover letter. Just make certain that you use clear and legible fonts to get your document effortless to read and understand. A template provides you with a suggested structure for your documents, and that means you can quickly begin writing. Its possible to finish a resume from scratch, naturally. Developing a poorly-formatted acting resume example sends the incorrect message, Thus, you need to make sure that the beginner actor resume template shows your professionalism. Think as specific as possible, and prevent using mora general forms of skills like communicating. If needed, you are able to keep the skills in individual groups or put all of them under one heading. Your research design are able to take advantage of graphics and layouts which make it noticeable. Others are provided by graphic design sites. There are lots of free resume templates readily available online but sometimes it ca n be very tough to select the best one that is most suited to you. Each one of our creative style templates provide a perfectly balanced mixture of personality, professionalism and a little style. Google doc is a spot where it is possible to store your archive online at no cost. Revision History The Google Docs Revision History feature is beneficial for job seekers because it permits you to find any preceding changes which were made to your Google Docs resume. The 1 downside to internet document systems such as Google Drive is that you must have accessibility to the web to use them. On top of that, the service supplies you with 15GB of room to use at no charge. Things You Should Know About Free Google Docs Resume Templates You will have an optimal resume in no moment, providing you with the best possibility of landing your next job. Professionally, our resumes are often the very first impression a possible employer gets of us. If you need assistance figuring out the best way to do so, take a look at our schreibstube worker resume samples and expert writing tips.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
The Nuiances of Need Help Writing My Resume
The Nuiances of Need Help Writing My Resume There are a lot of alternatives offered for getting help with your resume to make sure the last draft is likely to receive a second look by employers. Including professional goals can assist you by giving employers a notion of where youre going, and the way you need to arrive there. When you wish to find the best resume help, you are able to simply follow our lead. You need assistance with making a resume. The Benefits of Need Help Writing My Resume Employing a custom resume instead of a generic one is going to greatly increase your probability of an vorstellungsgesprch, as youll be a better match in the view of the reader. A simple resume template is going to be your very best bet. Though a cover letter does show a generalized idea of the way to compose a cover letter it doesnt show you must make 1 look distinctive and fresh to your prospective employer. Your totally free cover letter may be the kiss of death for your resume for many factors. Theres a great chance it wont include all the keywords set out in the work description. You need to understand that the interview is a previous step in the recruiting procedure. Its too simple to kill the work even before getting the interview. Ultimately, you will click submit to submit an application for the job. New Step by Step Roadmap for Need Help Writing My Resume A great deal of individuals are completely lost in regards to writing their own resume, and it is an excellent idea to seek out professional advice on the issue. Because you are so near your situation, it can be tough for you to be aware all of your high points and clearly convey all your accomplishments. Since there are people around who can provide help Youre able to read about the experiences other people shared, and that means you get an impression of the actual results youre likely to get. Its important to employ a service which provides you a great price for top quality. There are bo th local and internet options are available, and generally the investment will be well worth the money. Attempt to know the market of the organization youre asking for work, and identify what type of difficulties they may be going through. Federal jobs often need you to have experience in a particular kind of work for some period of time. Definitions of Need Help Writing My Resume Whenever you dont cover the specific hiring needs that the business has you are showing that you didnt focus on their job advertisement. You must organize your resume to aid agencies evaluate your experience. Analyze job ads You will discover a great deal of useful info on job ads. If you dont yet have work in mind, we can help you locate the ideal government vacancies for your experience.
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